Bailly Gerard K. Testimony

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As a pastoral intern I have seen the behind-the-scenes of what it takes to make the church body run.  It takes a lot of phone calls, and prayers, and entering information in the data base systems.  It takes people working together as one unit, and going above and beyond the call of duty.  Great things happen in my department and I am glad I am a part of it.  I still have a lot to learn, but I am happy because I have the mind of Christ to enable me to do what I need to do.

Also as an outreach intern, God has enabled me to understand the dynamics of reaching people of all walks of life.  God is moving and we are part of it.  I cannot trade what I am doing right now with anything else.  What a time to live in and to see the greatest harvest of souls.  It takes dedication and perseverance to accomplish the tasks from each department head.  Never the less it is worth it.  The price needs to be paid, and the ultimate price was paid two thousand years ago.  We must reinforce it when we go on the street or when we pray for somebody on the phone or accomplishing our tasks for the day.

Bless Jesus

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