Drs. Rodney and Adonica Howard-Browne, with Revival Ministries International, are looking forward to Celebrate America just as they did in the summer of 1999 when, for six weeks consecutively, they rented Madison Square Garden, the world’s most famous arena, for Good News New York!

Drs. Rodney and Adonica Howard-Browne are inviting local churches, the community, and members of government, in which many of them will be sharing their faith, and all nationalities to be a part of Celebrate America. We are celebrating America as she turns 238 years old. During Celebrate America, we will commemorate the Declaration of Independence and what the Constitution of the United States has meant to this land. We will celebrate the heritage of America and our Founding Fathers who acknowledged “firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence.” We will remember The Great Spiritual Awakenings of this land, the impact of which they made, and The Great Awakening that is soon to come. Celebrate America.

Dear Friends,

Drs. Rodney and Adonica Howard-Browne invite you to join them for Celebrate America this July in Washington D.C. at the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) Constitution Hall. Just as we looked forward to Good News New York in the summer of 1999 at Madison Square Garden, we are looking forward to this event.

Local churches, the community, members of government (many of whom will be sharing their faith), all Americans, and anyone, from any nation, who loves America, are invited to be a part of Celebrate America. We are celebrating America as she turns 238 years old. During these 14 days of Celebrate America, we will commemorate the United States Declaration of Independence and what the Constitution of the United States has meant to this land. We will celebrate the heritage of America and our Founding Fathers who acknowledged “firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence.” We will remember the Great Spiritual Awakenings of this land, the impact they made, and The Great Awakening that is soon to come.

Pastors, leaders, church groups, youth groups, and all believers, all around America, we ask you to begin praying for America, her leaders, and for Celebrate America. And we also encourage you to make plans to join us and to be a part of this very timely event.

The evening meetings are at 7 PM; admission is free. In the mornings, Power Evangelism will take place at 10 AM. Call, email, Facebook, and Tweet your friends and family to attend and to get involved; volunteers are needed. Sign up today.

Rose Testimony

God is teaching me to be more people focused.  The more I step into the managerial role, the more I need to press in and keep my heart right.  I’m learning that you can not ignore people and their needs, which is why I am here – to plunder hell and populate heaven, “for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, and for the edifying of the body of Christ”.

I am learning more and more how to slow down, smile, make time for people, and actually listen when they talk. I have left all to follow Jesus and to do His will, but in the midst of that, if I leave people by the wayside I have not fulfilled my duty.

Rudi W. Testimony

My experience during the student great awakening conference.

I have during this meeting falling under the power of God, and I have seen many people touch.

During one of the morning meeting, the anointing fall strongly, I did feel the rivers of water inside of me, like I never before have sense it. Lord did do something deep in my spirit during this morning. That touch did change me during that meeting.

I did get a full conviction and understanding of my vision, why I’m here at the RBI school, and what I will do in the future.

Now I feel the deep anointing, the anointing flowing inside of me. It’s a different anointing that I have experience before.

He did reveal my vision; I was so happy that I cried. During that meeting I did come closer to the Lord.

I did during the meetings learn more about the anointing, by sensing His presence.

My eyes did get more open to it, and I’m so amazed over what God have done in me in this short period of time.

I realize how important it is to stand, or be under the anointing. I can see how I’m changed in many areas in my life during my time at The River.

My strongest wish is to tell people that there is a Savior, which really exists. He does amazing things with people, setting them free from what ever you can imagine.

My hope is now to maintain the faith level I have here at The River. I thank God out of my whole heart for the work He have done in me, and what He continuing doing in me….Rudi W.

David Testimony

This minister’s conference was good. Every minister’s conference that I go to is good. God is always speaking to me in a minister’s conference. This conference I felt the lord speaking to me about trust. For me that is a hard thing. I’m so used to doing my own thing. I like to be in charge especially of my life.  I understand how you have to die to yourself in this Christian walk. Before I started Internship, I went on a fast. On the fast, what kept coming to me in my spirit is trust in the lord and lean not to your own understanding. That same word he been speaking to me the whole time in this internship. I have been fighting the lord this whole internship about trusting. I’m doing internship but it’s like in the back of my mind I’m trying to think of plan B instead of totally relying upon the lord. That is what the lord has been speaking to me about. Slowly I have been putting my life in God’s hand and not doubting him. Things the lord hates is doubt, fear, and unbelief. God has been confirming the word he gave in little ways like me getting blessed by the church with gas, and people paying for my lunch. I tell you God is so good, if the church can just get that revelation that God is good, people would not be in so much anxiety. I’m so excited about what God is going to do before this internship is over.


Gloria Testimony

Looking back on January, I can see how much I have grown. I did not know what to expect when I came here, all I knew was that I was willing to be obedient. I did not know what department I would serve in, and honestly I did not expect that I would intern under Pastors Todd and Katie. It has been such a privilege, and I did not expect it at all. I came back here under a lot of condemnation and depression, and I did not feel worthy of even being here. I was afraid of being exposed for everything that had been going on in my personal life, and I definitely didn’t want to face anyone. I felt so ashamed that I had left for 7 months, chasing after money and what I thought would be a secure, stable life. I thought I was pursuing what I wanted, since being a minister felt like too high a call for someone like me. All the condemnation I felt was overbearing me and I felt anxiety. And then to come back and find out that I would intern with Pastor Katie and with Outreach – it’s been such an honor that I felt so undeserving of. Then I found out I would be in the Outreach Department-again I didn’t feel worthy of it. How could I possibly go and tell people about Jesus when I was barely trying to really discover Him for myself? But thankfully, I pressed through it, and as I have previously stated in blogs past, depression was broken over me and I moved forward in the things of God. Now I am not that same person I was 4 months ago. And every day, He’s changing me to become more like Him.

— Gloria

Eric Testimony

I’ve learned so much in the past meetings that it’s mind blowing. I see the Lord equipping us in every area of our lives. These meetings are more than just meetings where people can come sit in and not be changed or challenged in some way. I’m always being challenged to change in different ways. Even when I try to ignore a certain situation the Holy Spirit continues to touch on that area until I give it to Him. The awesome part is that He does it so gently and loving and not in a condemning way. It’s so easy to pin point the faults of others and not recognize your own on a daily basis, but in these conferences that take place it’s as if your senses come alive and the Spirit of God illuminates the areas that need change and allows you to make those adjustments while wrapping you in His presence helping you make those adjustments so you’re not doing it alone. It’s hard to be a part of these meetings and not be built up by Faith and ready to take on the world. If you can sit in these meetings and nothing happens then you’re probably spiritually dead and not willing to yield to the Spirit of God. Whatever the case you need to come expecting a change and you’ll receive a change even if you don’t feel anything physically. You have to put a demand on the anointing for whatever you are needing and wanting in your life.

— Eric

Jared Testimony

The Word and power has been the very thing that has got me down here to this Bible school and has kept me here all throughout the time that I have been here. I realize that is my intimate relationship with the Word out side of the Bible school that matters above all else. When I put God’s Word into practice, I grow on a day to day basis becoming more and more like Jesus. I am so blessed the more I learn and understand from the Word of God. I realize that practicing sin or walking in the ?esh hinders me from living a lifestyle in the presence of God and hinders me from receiving revelation knowledge from God’s Word. I know that renewing my mind on a daily basis exchanging my ways and thoughts and words for Gods ways thoughts and words is a must for me as a Christian.

I know that walking in the ?esh is walking in a way of thinking that is in opposition to God’s Word and walking in the spirit is walking in a way of thinking that lines up with the Word of God. The more and more I surrender my life to Jesus and the Word I ?nd out that every day is a day to submit my life to God and let him do a great work in me and uproot all things that are not of him. I ?nd out that there are so many things that are not of God in me that need to be changed on a daily basis.

There will always be an area in which I am in need of renewing my mind. I have learned in the book of Mark chapter 4 that the sower sows the Word. All depending on the condition of your heart is what will take place with the Word that is sown. The Word that I understand and have revelation of is impossible for the enemy to come and steal. It is the Word that we do not take to heart and have rooted in our heart that the enemy comes and steals. Each and every time you read the word of God you should get a  revelation. Otherwise you should check your heart on what’s getting into it.

Adrian R. Testimony

Since coming to RBI, there have been many challenges that I have had to face.  Moving far from home to a new area with no support system that I once had, was hard in itself. I have learned that there is a completely different culture here that I have to adapt to, new people and different viewpoints. But this is a critical time in my life; God has sent me out on my own to take that next step in my Faith, so the challenges are only going to grow me into a better leader. The pastors here have taught me so much in just a short time, and I am blown away by all I’m learning.

I have had a hard time here, but I had an awesome encounter one Wednesday night at Student Ministries when Pastor Allen prophesied over my life. It was confirmation that I am called to be a youth pastor and this is my new season to grow and let go of some things I’ve been clinging on to. It’s so awesome to see what God has been doing in such a short time with me at RBI, I can’t wait to see the change in me at the end of this year….

Jody A. Testimony

Before these RBI/RSW Revival meetings, it was as though I could see and hear everything around me as one in a coma; however, I was unable, restricted, barred in my ability to engage — even as an Ordained Minister of the Gospel.  Lassoed by religion and tradition, and gagged by knowledge, I knew I was dying…

I awoke from the coma I was in during the RBI/RSW Revival week’s first Tuesday morning meeting on August 22, after GOD ordered a delicate life-saving surgery where the knife of man could not even touch but only executed through the Holy Ghost and the Word of GOD, delivered through all of the Ministers during these meetings.

Throughout each subsequent RBI/RSW Revival meeting, I understood something new was taking place in and upon me – it was FRESH FIRE and NEW WINE!  Sitting in these Revival meetings, to the saturation point, my old wineskin burst forth because of all the new wine pouring in through 34 continuous services I attended during the Revival for students.

Each Minister had something unique and pertinent to my deepest need to not only undergo the heart surgery, but recover, attend specialized rehab, then get back in the race.  The Lord spoke to my heart asking me if I perceived He was doing a new thing in me, and as I responded to His love and to His drawing me close, I felt compelled to register for the River School of Worship.

Pursuing the deep sweet fellowship with the Lord through worship, like I once enjoyed, and actually stepping forward into fulfilling one of the deepest desires of my heart, just to focus on Him, is making me happy beyond my ability to imagine it.  I am being changed from glory to glory as I remain seated with Christ in Heavenly Places, living in that secret place of deep intimacy – total dependence upon Jesus Christ – who is, who was, who forever and always is my BREAKTHROUGH…..

The life and ministry of Dr. Rodney Howard Browne

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