On Monday night, I got a call from Jake, asking me to make a video testimony and upload it on revival.com. So I recorded the video testimony and … it was FUN! I said how I was a first year bible school student, and how before I came to school I didn’t know anything about soulwinning, but I came here and went out on the streets and used the gospel soulwinning script which is really easy to use and I started soul winning! I also said that it’s the gospel that’ll shake a family, it’s the gospel that’ll shake a city, and it’s the gospel that’ll shake the United States of America! WOOT WOOT! HALLELUJAH!
And after the testimony was aired, I got text messages from friends saying that it was a great testimony and how everyone who watches the services now knows my face. And it’s true. Everyone who watched the service that night would now know my face, and they would’ve also heard what I said, and maybe those people were encouraged by my words to go out and win souls into the kingdom. Who knows? God knows. And he knows how many people I might have impacted with my testimony. I realized how much a blessing that testimony was and I’m extremely grateful. These Great Awakening services are such a great honor to attend and to service in. These services are such an eye opener and a great blessing to me. Thank you. -Michelle Y
But not only does mother love provide a context for spiritual values, also it provides a context for communicating relational values.. .relational values. How many here have more than one child?