Worship Soundtracks from RMIRiverSong on Vimeo.
Having been a part of the Great Awakening in America for over three years, it is stunning to see what God has done to supernaturally open the airways for His presence to come into homes across America and around the world. It smacks of Joel 2:9 where he prophesies concerning God’s army. He says, “they leap upon the city; they run upon the wall; they climb up on and into the houses; they enter in at the windows like a thief.” It’s a picture of cable wires that run up houses and through walls and windows connecting televisions and computers to receive the message of salvation and the presence of God; coming right into peoples living rooms, bedrooms, kitchens and any other place they care to watch. This is no ordinary Christian television program. The messages carry an urgency. There’s no fluff. It’s all laid out in straight talk lased with a powerful anointing to touch the hearts and lives of all who have ears to hear. Not only is the unadulterated Word preached but it is demonstrated. People are getting saved, healed, delivered, set free, and forever transformed by the power of God. Last night I was working in the phone room taking calls from people all over America. A woman with muscular degeneration and cataracts was able to see again out of her left eye and her right eye began to clear up as well. A man who had suffered with chest pains for many months said the doctors could not find the cause of the pain. When I prayed for him the pain went away. The Holy Spirit is on the move. America will be saved! -Mary F.
We want to turn team members into players. Here is how the players recognize their positions. They commit to ministry. They take our Spiritual Gifts class which teaches them how to get involved in specific areas.